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Equity And Mutual Funds

This page contains all Middleware APIs being served under Equity and Mutual Funds.

Order Book

This API is used to show order book for a client in equity including Bracket Orders

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->edelmw-eq/eq/order//book/{userId}/v1
Method GET


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
Sample Request
Request method is GET

Response Parameters

Key Val
dur Order Duration DAY/IOC/EOS etc
cancel Order Cancellatiion flag
vndSrc Vendor Source
rjRsn Rejection reason
tkSz Tick size
userID User id
userCmnt Comment added by user while placing the order
exc Exchange
dsQty Disclosed quantity
rmk Remark added by the small case user while placing the order
lstPos lst position
bsktOrdId Basket Order ID
exONo Exchange order number
exp Scrip expiry
ogt Order generation type
prc Price
rcvDt Order recieved date
rcvEpTim Epoch time
edit Order modification flag
cpName Company name
trdSym Trading symbol
ordTim Time stamp
exit Exit flag
sts Order Status
opTyp Option type
trgId Trigger ID
ltSz Lot size
desc Order description
boSeqId Sequence id for bracket order legs
dpVal Display Name
rcvTim Time
dpName Display scrip name
syomID Traded order id
stkPrc Strike price
sym Streaming symbol
prdCode Product code - [CNC,MIS,NRML]
trgPrc Trigger price
bsktEpch Basket Order Placement Time
vlDt Order validity data -GTC/GTD
epochTim Time
ntQty Net quantity
avgPrc Average price
flQty Quantity traded
ltp Last Traded Price
ordID Order number
dpInsTyp Display instrument type
sipID SIP Indicator
dpExpDt Display expiry date
srs Series
asTyp Asset type
trsTyp Transaction type
nstReqID Nest request id
pdQty Pending quantity
Sample Response
    "data": {
      "ord": [
          "dur": "DAY",
          "cancel": "false",
          "vndSrc": "Edelweiss",
          "rjRsn": "",
          "tkSz": "0.0025",
          "userID": "60000148",
          "userCmnt": "NA",
          "exc": "CDS",
          "dsQty": "0",
          "rmk": "[//EDEL//]/null",
          "lstPos": 0,
          "bsktOrdId": "",
          "exONo": "1000000000002594",
          "exp": "27Aug2021",
          "ogt": "--",
          "prc": "0.0000",
          "rcvDt": "26/08/2021",
          "rcvEpTim": "26/08/2021 16:51:03",
          "edit": "false",
          "cpName": "",
          "trdSym": "USDINR21AUGFUT",
          "ordTim": "26/08/2021 16:51:03",
          "exit": "false",
          "sts": "complete",
          "ordTyp": "MARKET",
          "opTyp": "",
          "trgId": "",
          "ltSz": "1",
          "desc": "1 Bought @ &#8377 74.2375",
          "boSeqId": "",
          "dpVal": "USDINR",
          "rcvTim": "16:51:03",
          "dpName": "USDINR",
          "syomID": "",
          "stkPrc": "",
          "sym": "7395_CDS",
          "prdCode": "NRML",
          "trgPrc": "0.0000",
          "bsktEpch": "",
          "vlDt": "NA",
          "epochTim": "1629976863",
          "ntQty": "1",
          "avgPrc": "74.2375",
          "flQty": "1",
          "ltp": "74.2375",
          "ordID": "210826000000330",
          "dpInsTyp": "FUT",
          "sipID": "N",
          "dpExpDt": "27 AUG'21",
          "srs": "XX",
          "asTyp": "FUTCUR",
          "trsTyp": "BUY",
          "nstReqID": "1",
          "pdQty": "0"

Order Details

This API is used to show order details for a client in equity

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->edelmw-eq/eq/order/details/{userId}?nOID=12328729938
Method GET


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login

Request Parameters

Key Val
nOID NEST Order Number
Sample Request
Request method is GET

Response Parameters

Key Val
dur Order Duration DAY/IOC/EOS etc
qtyTF Quantity
prcTF Price
prdCode Product code - [CNC,MIS,NRML]
ordID Order ID
scName Script Name
trgPrc Target Price
unFlSz Unfilled Size
exOID Exchange Order ID
exc Exchange
dsQty Disclosed quantity
txt Text
sts Order Status
trsTyp Transaction type
nstReqID Nest request id
symName Symbol Name
tim Time
prcTyp Order Type
avgPrc Average price
Sample Response
    "data": {
      "ord": [
          "dur": "DAY",
          "qtyTF": "1",
          "prcTF": "682.50",
          "prdCode": "CNC",
          "ordID": "210827000000015",
          "scName": "ICICIBANK",
          "trgPrc": "0.00",
          "unFlSz": "1",
          "exOID": "1100000000003763",
          "exc": "NSE",
          "dsQty": "0",
          "txt": "",
          "sts": "open",
          "trsTyp": "BUY",
          "nstReqID": "1",
          "symName": "ICICIBANK",
          "tim": "27/08/2021 11:09:11",
          "prcTyp": "LIMIT",
          "avgPrc": "0.00"

Order History

This API is used to show order history for a client in equity.

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-eq/eq/order/history/{userId}?sDt=06/20/2021&eDt=06/23/2021
Method GET


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login

Request Parameters

Key Val
sDt From Date
eDt To Date
Sample Request
Request method is GET

Response Parameters

Key Val
dur Order Duration - [DAY/IOC/EOS]
rjRsn Rejection Reason
ordEntTyp Order Entry Time
prdCode Product Code - [CNC,MIS,NRML]
trgPrc Trigger Price
unFlSz Unfilled Size
exc Exchange
dsQty Disclosed Quantity
exTimStm Exchange TimeStamp
rpTyp Report Type
ordGenTyp Order Generation Type
exONo Exchange order number
avgPrc Average price
ordSrc Order Source - [API]
flQty Quantity traded
prc Price
trdSym Trading symbol
cstFirm Custome Firm
ordID Order ID
sts Order Status
trsTyp Transaction type
nstReqID Nest request id
flDtTim Fill Date and Time
pdQty Pending quantity
Sample Response
    "data": {
      "hstOrdBk": [
          "dur": "DAY",
          "rjRsn": "",
          "ordEntTyp": "25/08/2021 16:42:45",
          "prdCode": "CNC",
          "trgPrc": "0.00",
          "unFlSz": "--",
          "exc": "NSE",
          "dsQty": "--",
          "exTimStm": "--",
          "rpTyp": "",
          "ordGenTyp": "AMO",
          "exONo": "NA",
          "avgPrc": "--",
          "ordSrc": "RESTAPI-TPEMT3",
          "flQty": "--",
          "prc": "167.70",
          "trdSym": "INE366I01010",
          "cstFirm": "C",
          "ordID": "210825000000109",
          "sts": "after market order req received",
          "ordTyp": "LIMIT",
          "trsTyp": "BUY",
          "nstReqID": "1",
          "flDtTim": "--",
          "pdQty": "--"

Trade Book

This API is used to show trade book for a client in equity.

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-eq/eq/tradebook/v1/{userId}
Method GET


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
Sample Request
Request method is GET

Response Parameters

Key Val
chgP Change Percentage
rcvTim Time
dpName Display scrip name
sym Streaming symbol
stkPrc Strike price
tkSz Tick size
prdCode Product code - [CNC,MIS,NRML]
rmk Remark added by the small case user while placing the order
exc Exchange
epochTim Time
fldQty Fill Quantity
trdID Trade ID
flDt Fill Date
exONo Exchange order number
exp Scrip expiry
flQty Quantity traded
chg Change
trdSym Trading symbol
cpName Company name
flLeg NA
ordTim Time stamp
ltp Last Traded Price
dpInsTyp Display instrument type
ordID Order ID
dpExpDt Display expiry date
sts Status
flPrc Fill Pric
asTyp Asset type
srs Source
psCnv Position Conversion Flag
qty Quantity
trsTyp Transaction type
nstReqID Nest request id
opTyp Option type
ltSz Lot size
flTim File Time
ordType Order Type
ntPrc Net Price
Sample Response
      "data": {
      "trade": [
          "chgP": "-25.58",
          "rcvTim": "27/08/2021 11:31:45",
          "dpName": "GBPINR",
          "sym": "7806_CDS",
          "stkPrc": "100",
          "tkSz": "0.0025",
          "prdCode": "MIS",
          "flID": "13",
          "rmk": "[//EDEL//]/",
          "exc": "CDS",
          "epochTim": "1630044105",
          "fldQty": "6",
          "trdID": "13",
          "flDt": "27-Aug-2021",
          "exONo": "1000000000000051",
          "exp": "1640768400000",
          "flQty": "6",
          "chg": "-1.7200",
          "trdSym": "GBPINR21DEC100CE",
          "cpName": "",
          "flLeg": "1",
          "ordTim": "11:31:45",
          "ltp": "5.0050",
          "dpInsTyp": "",
          "ordID": "210827000000030",
          "dpExpDt": "29 DEC'21",
          "sts": "Complete",
          "flPrc": "5.0050",
          "asTyp": "OPTCUR",
          "srs": "XX",
          "psCnv": "true",
          "qty": "10",
          "trsTyp": "BUY",
          "nstReqID": "1",
          "opTyp": "CE",
          "ltSz": "1",
          "flTim": "11:31:45",
          "ordType": "LIMIT",
          "ntPrc": "30.03"

Place Trade

This API is used to place trade for a client in equity.

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-eq/eq/trade/placetrade/{userId}
Method POST


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
Sample Request
Request method is Post

Request Body Parameters

Key Val
minQty Minimum Quantity
trdSym Trading Symbol
dtDays Date Days
posSqr Position Square Flag
mktPro Market Protection
qty Quantity
ordSrc Order Source - [API]
sym Streaming symbol
exc Exchange
dscQty Disclosed Quantity
vnCode endor Code
action Action to be Performed - [BUY,SELL]
dur Order duration/Retention - [DAY]
prdCode Product Code - [CNC,MIS,NRML]
lmPrc Limit Price
rmk Remark added by the small case user while placing the order
trgPrc Trigger Price
amoFlg AMO Flag
Sample Body
  "ordTyp": "LIMIT",
  "minQty": "",
  "trdSym": "INE793A01012",
  "dtDays": "",
  "posSqr": "N",
  "mktPro": "",
  "qty": "1",
  "ordSrc": "EMT3",
  "sym": "7053_NSE",
  "exc": "NSE",
  "dscQty": "",
  "vnCode": "118",
  "action": "BUY",
  "dur": "DAY",
  "prdCode": "MIS",
  "lmPrc": "910.30",
  "rmk": "user remarks comment",
  "trgPrc": "910",
  "amoFlg": "NO"

Response Parameters

Key Val
msg Message
oid Order ID
Sample Response
 "data": {
      "msg": "Your order has been placed succesfully!.",
      "oid": "210827000000084"

Place Trade / Order Slicing

This API is used to place trade for a client in equity. Place trade API can be used for Order slicing also. Order Slicing is a feature that helps break down a large order into smaller slices. This feature is allowed on Equity derivative segment only.

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-eq/eq/trade/placetrade/v1/{userId}
Method POST


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
Sample Request
Request method is Post

Request Body Parameters

Key Val
minQty Minimum Quantity
trdSym Trading Symbol
dtDays Date Days
posSqr Position Square Flag
mktPro Market Protection
qty Quantity
ordSrc Order Source - [API]
sym Streaming symbol
exc Exchange
dscQty Disclosed Quantity
vnCode endor Code
action Action to be Performed - [BUY,SELL]
dur Order duration/Retention - [DAY]
prdCode Product Code - [CNC,MIS,NRML]
lmPrc Limit Price
rmk Remark added by the small case user while placing the order
trgPrc Trigger Price
amoFlg AMO Flag
empOrDependent Employee Or dependent [Y,N]
flQty Filled quantity
Sample Body
  "ordTyp": "LIMIT",
  "minQty": "",
  "trdSym": "INE793A01012",
  "dtDays": "",
  "posSqr": "N",
  "mktPro": "",
  "qty": "1",
  "ordSrc": "EMT3",
  "sym": "7053_NSE",
  "exc": "NSE",
  "dscQty": "",
  "vnCode": "118",
  "action": "BUY",
  "dur": "DAY",
  "prdCode": "MIS",
  "lmPrc": "910.30",
  "rmk": "user remarks comment",
  "trgPrc": "910",
  "amoFlg": "NO",
  "empOrDependent": "N",
  "flQty": 3

Response Parameters

Key Val
msg Message
oid Order ID
failedShrs Failed Shares
lsz Lot size
Sample Response

Order after slice :

 "data": {
    "type": "string",
    "msg": "string",
    "failedShrs": "string",
    "ord": [
        "lsz": "string",
        "oid": "string"

Sample Response

Order not sliced :

 "data": {
    "type": "string",
    "msg": "string",
    "oid": "string",

Modify Trade

This API is used to modify a trade for the client.

  1. In case of modification of price where quantity remains same, logic (order quantity- filled quantity) needs to be considered

  2. In case of modification of quantity (increase/decrease) logic (new order quantity + filled quantity) as order quantity needs to be considered

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-eq/eq/trade/modifytrade/{userId}
Method PUT


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
Sample Request
Request method is PUT

Request Body Parameters

| Key     | Val                                               |
| trdSym  | Trading Symbol                                    |
| exc     | Exchange                                          |
| action  | Action - [BUY,SELL]                               |
| dur     | Order Duration - [DAY]                            |
| flQty   | Filled Quantity                                   |                   
| qty     | Quantity                                          |
| dscQty  | Disclosed Quantity                                |
| sym     | Streaming Symbol                                  |
| mktPro  | Market Protection                                 |
| lmPrc   | Limit Price                                       |
| trgPrc  | Trigger Price                                     |
| prdCode | Product Code - [CNC,MIS,NRML]                     |
| dtDays  | Date Days                                         |
| nstOID  | Nest Order ID                                     |

Sample Request Body

{ "trdSym": "INE409B01013", "exc": "NSE", "action": "SELL", "dur": "DAY", "flQty": "0", "ordTyp": "LIMIT", "qty": "1", "dscQty": "0", "sym": "11909_NSE", "mktPro": "", "lmPrc": "200.0", "trgPrc": "", "prdCode": "CNC", "dtDays": "", "nstOID": "76578587" }

Response Parameters

| Key | Val      |
| msg | Message  |
| oid | Order ID |

Sample Response "data": { "msg": "Your order has been modified succesfully!.", "oid": "210827000000077" }

## **Modify Trade / Order Slicing**

This API is used to modify a trade for the client.

1. In case of modification of price where quantity remains same, logic (order quantity- filled quantity) needs to be considered

2. In case of modification of quantity (increase/decrease) logic (new order quantity + filled quantity) as order quantity needs to be considered

Request Structure

| Key    | Value                                                   |
| URL    | <-baseUrl->/edelmw-eq/eq/trade/modifytrade/v1/{userId} |
| Method | PUT                                                     |


| Key           | Value                               |
| Authorization | Received in Header after user login |

Sample Request Request method is PUT

Request Body Parameters

| Key     | Val                                               |
| trdSym  | Trading Symbol                                    |
| exc     | Exchange                                          |
| action  | Action - [BUY,SELL]                               |
| dur     | Order Duration - [DAY]                            |
| flQty   | Filled Quantity                                   |                   
| qty     | Quantity                                          |
| dscQty  | Disclosed Quantity                                |
| sym     | Streaming Symbol                                  |
| mktPro  | Market Protection                                 |
| lmPrc   | Limit Price                                       |
| trgPrc  | Trigger Price                                     |
| prdCode | Product Code - [CNC,MIS,NRML]                     |
| dtDays  | Date Days                                         |
| nstOID  | Nest Order ID                                     |
| empOrDependent  | Employee Or dependent [Y,N]               |
| curQty  | Current Quantity of the scrip to transact         |

Sample Request Body

{ "trdSym": "INE409B01013", "exc": "NSE", "action": "SELL", "dur": "DAY", "flQty": "0", "ordTyp": "LIMIT", "qty": "1", "dscQty": "0", "sym": "11909_NSE", "mktPro": "", "lmPrc": "200.0", "trgPrc": "", "prdCode": "CNC", "dtDays": "", "nstOID": "76578587", "empOrDependent": "N", "curQty": 3 }

Response Parameters

| Key | Val      |
| msg | Message  |
| oid | Order ID |
| lsz | Lot size |
| failedShrs | Failed Shares |

Sample Response

Order after slice :

"data": {
"type": "string",
"msg": "string",
"failedShrs": "string",
"ord": [
    "lsz": "string",
    "oid": "string"


Sample Response

Order not sliced :

"data": {
  "msg": "string",
  "oid": "string"

## **Cancel Trade**

This API is used to cancel a cover trade for the client.

Request Structure

| Key    | Value                                                        |
| URL    | <-baseUrl->/edelmw-eq/eq/trade/canceltrade/{userId}      |
| Method | PUT                                                          |


| Key           | Value                               |
| Authorization | Received in Header after user login |

Sample Request Request method is PUT

Request Body Parameters

| Key     | Val                                               |
| nstOID  | NEST Order Number                                 |
| exc     | Exchange                                          |
| prdCode | Product Code - [CNC,MIS,NRML]                     |                     

Sample Request Body

{ "nstOID": "12433232313", "exc": "NSE", "prdCode": "CNC", "ordTyp": "LIMIT" }

Response Parameters

| Key | Val      |
| msg | Message  |
| oid | Order ID |

Sample Response "data": { "msg": "Your Cover order has been cancelled successfully!.", "oid": "210830000068061" }

## **Place GTD/GTC Trade**

This API is used to place GTD/GTC trade for a client in equity

Request Structure

| Key    | Value                                                        |
| URL    | <-baseUrl->/edelmw-eq/eq/trade/placegtcgtdtrade/{userId} |
| Method | POST                                                         |


| Key           | Value                               |
| Authorization | Received in Header after user login |

Sample Request Request method is POST

Request Body Parameters

Key Val
dur Order Duration DAY
exc Exchange
lmPrc Limit Price
sym Streaming symbol
trdSym Trading Symbol
qty Quantity
action Action - [BUY,SELL]
prdCode Product Code - [CNC,MIS,NRML]

Sample Request Body

  "dur": "GTC",
  "exc": "NSE",
  "lmPrc": "870.00",
  "ordTyp": "LIMIT",
  "sym": "7053_NSE",
  "trdSym": "INE793A01012",
  "qty": "1",
  "action": "BUY",
  "prdCode": "NRML"

Response Parameters

Key Val
msg Message
oid Order ID
Sample Response
    "data": {
      "msg": "Your order has been placed succesfully!."

Exit Bracket Trade

This API is used to exits from bracket trade for the client.

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-eq/eq/trade/exitbrackettrade/{userId}


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
Sample Request
Request method is DELETE

Request Body Parameters

| Key      | Val           |
| nstOrdNo | NEST Order Id |
| syomID   | Symbol ID     |
| sts      | Status        |

Sample Request Body

{ "nstOrdNo": "7658755", "syomID": "68767", "sts": "PENDING" }

Response Parameters

| Key | Val      |
| msg | Message  |

Sample Response "data": { "msg": "Your order has been cancelled succesfully!." }

## **Place Basket Trade**

This API is used to place Basket trade for the client.

Request Structure

| Key    | Value                                                         |
| URL    | <-baseUrl->/edelmw-eq/eq/trade/basketorder/{userId}       |
| Method | POST                                                          |


| Key           | Value                               |
| Authorization | Received in Header after user login |

Sample Request Request method is POST

Request Body Parameters

Key Val
exc Exchange
trdSym Trading Symbol
action Action to be performed - [BUY,SELL]
prdCode Product codes - [CNC,MIS,NRML,CO]
dur Order duration / Retention - [DAY,GTD,GTC]
price Price to fill
trgPrc Trigger Price
qty Quantity
dscQty Disclosed Quantity
gtdDt GTD Date in dd-MM-yyyy Format
rmk Remark
Sample Request Body
  "ordLst": [
      "exc": "NSE",
      "trdSym": "INE092A01019",
      "action": "BUY",
      "prdCode": "CNC",
      "ordTyp": "LIMIT",
      "dur": "DAY",
      "price": "306",
      "trgPrc": "306",
      "qty": "2",
      "dscQty": "1",
      "gtdDt": "NA",
      "exc": "NSE",
      "trdSym": "INE793A01012",
      "action": "BUY",
      "prdCode": "CNC",
      "ordTyp": "LIMIT",
      "dur": "DAY",
      "price": "990",
      "trgPrc": "990",
      "qty": "2",
      "dscQty": "1",
      "gtdDt": "NA",
  "vnCode": "118",
  "ordSrc": "EMT3"

Response Parameters

Key Val
msg Message
Sample Response
"data": {
      "msg": "Your order has been placed succesfully!."


This API is used to retrieve CNC and MTF RMS holdings response for a particular client.

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-eq/eq/holdings/v1/rmsholdings/{userId}
Method GET


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
Sample Request
Request method is GET

Response Parameters

Key Val
eqHv Equity Holding Value
dpName Display scrip name
totalQty Total Quantity
cpName Company name
trdSym Trading symbol
sym Streaming symbol
tkSz Tick size
td Traded flag
clUQty NA
qty Quantity
clQty NA
hdgVl Holding Value
totQty Total Quantity
usdQty Used Quantity
pdQty Pending quantity
hdgUQty NA
t1HQty T1 Holding Quantity
pdCnt Pending Count
ltp Last Traded Price
totalVal Total Value
exc Exchange
asTyp Asset type
ltSz Lot size
isin ISIN No
Sample Response

   "data": {
      "eqHv": "3656713.21",
      "rmsHdg": [
          "dpName": "INE347G01014",
          "totalQty": "400",
          "cpName": " Petronet  Lng  Limited ",
          "trdSym": "INE347G01014",
          "sym": "11351_NSE",
          "tkSz": "0.05",
          "cncRmsHdg": {
            "td": "true",
            "clUQty": "0",
            "qty": "400",
            "clQty": "400",
            "hdgVl": "91040.00",
            "totQty": "400",
            "usdQty": "0",
            "pdQty": "400",
            "hdgUQty": "0",
            "t1HQty": "0",
            "pdCnt": "400.0"
          "ltp": "227.6",
          "totalVal": "91040.00",
          "exc": "NSE",
          "asTyp": "EQUITY",
          "ltSz": "1",
          "isin": "INE347G01014"

EQ Limits

This API is used for retrieving RMSSubLimits for a particular client.

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-eq/eq/limits/rmssublimits/{userId}
Method GET


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login

Sample Request

Request method is GET

Response Parameters

Key Val
mrgAvl Margin Available
notMrg Notional Margin
adMrg Adhoc Margin
dayOpenBal Day Opening Balance (Cash)
stkColVal Stocks Collateral Value
fndAdd Funds Added
nvl nvl value
unRlMtm Unrealized Mark to Market
ttpv Total Third party value
prmPdRcd Premium Paid (+) / Received (-)
mrgUtd Margin Utilized
blkRelDlvry Blocked (+) / Released (-) For Delivery
mf Mutual Funds
spnExpMrg Spand and Exposure Margin
ipoAmt IPO / Bonds / NCDs / ETC..
rlPnl Realized PnL Value
fndWthdrwn Funds Withdrawn
mtmMg MtoM Margin
srtFall Short fall
cshAvl Cash available
fnopenality FNO Penalty
wealthpoabal Wealth POA Balance
pisbankbal PIS Bank Balance
dpdues DP Dues
comoshortfall COMO ShortFall
accode Account Code
recorddate Record date
ist IST
mtfbal mtf Balance
oth5amt Other Unposted Charges
dpcharges DP Charges
oth4amt Other Unposted Charges
ntChrg Net Charges
exp Exposure
nvlPer nvl Percentage
Sample Response

    "data": {
    "mrgAvl": {
      "mrgAvl": "210013.71",
      "notMrg": "63297.81",
      "adMrg": "-1625.00",
      "dayOpenBal": "146715.90",
      "stkColVal": "653107.84",
      "fndAdd": "0.00"
    "nvl": "871729.47",
    "mrgUtd": {
      "unRlMtm": "-120.20",
      "ttpv": "0.00",
      "prmPdRcd": "0.00",
      "mrgUtd": "-8487.72",
      "blkRelDlvry": "-102280.00",
      "mf": "0.00",
      "spnExpMrg": "0.00",
      "ipoAmt": "0.00",
      "rlPnl": "-0.00",
      "fndWthdrwn": "0.00"
    "mtmMg": "854633.83",
    "srtFall": {},
    "cshAvl": "869984.27",
    "unPstdChrgs": {
      "ntUnPstdChrg": {
        "fnopenality": "0.00",
        "wealthpoabal": "0.00",
        "pisbankbal": "0.00",
        "dpdues": "595.98",
        "comoshortfall": "0.00",
        "accode": "60177610",
        "recorddate": "Sep 2,2021,5:30:00 AM",
        "ist": "0.00",
        "mtfbal": "0.00",
        "oth5amt": "0.00",
        "dpcharges": "0.00",
        "oth4amt": "0.00"
      "ntChrg": "595.98"
    "exp": "93672.08",
    "nvlPer": "930.62"

Get User Details

This API is used to get the User Details of the account holder.

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-login/login/user/vendordetails/{userId}
Method GET


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
Sample Request
Request method is GET

Response Parameters

Key Val
type Object type
clEml Client Email
clNm Client Name
coAccId Commodity Account ID
eqAccId Equity Account ID
excs Valid Exchanges for Client
lgnTim Login Time
ordTypes Valid Order Types for Client
prds Valid Products for Client
src Source
sts Status
Sample response

    "appID": "4fe68b7536784e3407c3ecf19be7c4ad",
    "config": {
        "app": 1,
        "exp": 1683676815023,
        "info": 4
    "data": {
        "type": "vendorClientLoginDetailsObject",
        "clEml": "KRANI805@GMAIL.COM",
        "clNm": "Ajay KUMAR ",
        "coAccId": "80140380",
        "eqAccId": "80140380",
        "excs": [
            "NSE IPO",
        "lgnTim": "2023-05-10 13:37:40",
        "ordTypes": [
        "prds": [
        "src": "srujantest",
        "sts": "Success"
    "msgID": "4b829fa8-ac9c-48c1-a4d4-a707ba44fe04",
    "srvTm": 1683706581165

Get AMO Flag

This API is used to get AMO Flag.

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-eq/eq/trade/amoflag
Method GET


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
Sample Request
Request method is GET

Response Parameters

Key Val
sts AMO Flag status
Sample Response

    "data": {
      "sts": "false"

AMO Placetrade

This API is used to place AMO trade for a client in equity.

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-eq/eq/trade/amo/placetrade/80140380
Method POST


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
Sample Request
Request method is POST

Request Body Parameters

Key Val
vnCode Vendor Code
dur Order duration / Retention - [DAY]
sym Symbol of the contract that is being traded
trgPrc Trigger Price
action Action to be performed - [BUY,SELL]
prdCode Product codes - [CNC,MIS,NRML]
posSqr Position Square Flag
amoFlg AMO Flag
minQty Minimum Quantity
lmPrc Limit Price
mktPro Market Protection
trdSym Trading Symbol
dtDays Date Days,this is needed for gtc gtd only
dscQty Disclosed Quantity
exc Exchange
rmk Remarks
qty Quantity
Sample Request Body 
  "vnCode": "118",
  "dur": "DAY",
  "sym": "8696_NSE",
  "trgPrc": "",
  "action": "BUY",
  "ordTyp": "LIMIT",
  "prdCode": "CNC",
  "posSqr": "NO",
  "amoFlg": "YES",
  "minQty": "",
  "lmPrc": "167.70",
  "mktPro": "",
  "trdSym": "INE366I01010",
  "dtDays": "",
  "dscQty": "",
  "exc": "NSE",
  "rmk":"AMO remarks",
  "qty": "1"

Response Parameters

Key Val
msg Message
oid Order ID
Sample Response

    "data": {
      "msg": "Your AMO order has been placed succesfully!.",
      "oid": "210903000071162"

AMO Placetrade / Order Slicing

This API is used to place AMO trade for a client in equity.

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-eq/eq/trade/amo/placetrade/v1/80140380
Method POST


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
Sample Request
Request method is POST

Request Body Parameters

Key Val
vnCode Vendor Code
dur Order duration / Retention - [DAY]
sym Symbol of the contract that is being traded
trgPrc Trigger Price
action Action to be performed - [BUY,SELL]
prdCode Product codes - [CNC,MIS,NRML]
posSqr Position Square Flag
amoFlg AMO Flag
minQty Minimum Quantity
lmPrc Limit Price
mktPro Market Protection
trdSym Trading Symbol
dtDays Date Days,this is needed for gtc gtd only
dscQty Disclosed Quantity
exc Exchange
rmk Remarks
qty Quantity
empOrDependent Employee Or dependent [Y,N]
flQty Filled quantity
Sample Request Body 
  "vnCode": "118",
  "dur": "DAY",
  "sym": "8696_NSE",
  "trgPrc": "",
  "action": "BUY",
  "ordTyp": "LIMIT",
  "prdCode": "CNC",
  "posSqr": "NO",
  "amoFlg": "YES",
  "minQty": "",
  "lmPrc": "167.70",
  "mktPro": "",
  "trdSym": "INE366I01010",
  "dtDays": "",
  "dscQty": "",
  "exc": "NSE",
  "rmk":"AMO remarks",
  "qty": "1",
  "empOrDependent": "N",
  "flQty": 3

Response Parameters

Key Val
msg Message
oid Order ID
failedShrs Failed Shares
lsz Lot size
Sample Response

Order after slice :

 "data": {
    "type": "string",
    "msg": "string",
    "failedShrs": "string",
    "ord": [
        "lsz": "string",
        "oid": "string"

Sample Response

Order not sliced :

 "data": {
    "type": "string",
    "msg": "string",
    "oid": "string",

AMO Modifytrade

This API is used to modify amo Trade for a client.

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-eq/eq/trade/amo/modifytrade/80140380
Method POST


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
Sample Request
Request method is POST

Request Body Parameters

Key Val
dur Order duration / Retention - [DAY]
sym Symbol
trgPrc Trigger Price
nstOID Nest Order ID
action Action to be performed - [BUY,SELL]
prdCode Product Code - [CNC,MIS,NRML]
lmPrc Limit Price
mktPro Market Protection
trdSym Trading Symbol
dtDays Date Days
dscQty Disclosed Quantity
exc Exchange
flQty Filled Quantity or filled shares
qty Quantity
nstReqID Nest request id
Sample Request Body 
"dur": "DAY",
"sym": "15124_NSE",
"trgPrc": "",
"nstOID": "210622000285636",
"action": "SELL",
"ordTyp": "MARKET",
"prdCode": "CNC",
"lmPrc": "",
"mktPro": "",
"trdSym": "INE094I01018",
"dtDays": "",
"dscQty": "0",
"exc": "NSE",
"flQty": "0",
"qty": "3",
"nstReqID": "2"

Response Parameters

Key Val
msg Message
oid Order ID
Sample Response

    "data": {
      "msg": "Your AMO order has been modified succesfully!.",
      "oid": "210903000071162"

AMO Modifytrade / Order Slicing

This API is used to modify amo Trade for a client.

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-eq/eq/trade/amo/modifytrade/v1/80140380
Method POST


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
Sample Request
Request method is POST

Request Body Parameters

Key Val
dur Order duration / Retention - [DAY]
sym Symbol
trgPrc Trigger Price
nstOID Nest Order ID
action Action to be performed - [BUY,SELL]
prdCode Product Code - [CNC,MIS,NRML]
lmPrc Limit Price
mktPro Market Protection
trdSym Trading Symbol
dtDays Date Days
dscQty Disclosed Quantity
exc Exchange
flQty Filled Quantity or filled shares
qty Quantity
nstReqID Nest request id
empOrDependent Employee Or dependent [Y,N]
curQty Current Quantity of the scrip to transact
Sample Request Body 
"dur": "DAY",
"sym": "15124_NSE",
"trgPrc": "",
"nstOID": "210622000285636",
"action": "SELL",
"ordTyp": "MARKET",
"prdCode": "CNC",
"lmPrc": "",
"mktPro": "",
"trdSym": "INE094I01018",
"dtDays": "",
"dscQty": "0",
"exc": "NSE",
"flQty": "0",
"qty": "3",
"nstReqID": "2",
"empOrDependent": "N",
"curQty": 3

Response Parameters

Key Val
msg Message
oid Order ID
lsz Lot size
failedShrs Failed Shares
Sample Response

Order after slice :

    "data": {
    "type": "string",
    "msg": "string",
    "failedShrs": "string",
    "ord": [
        "lsz": "string",
        "oid": "string"

Sample Response

Order not sliced :

    "data": {
      "msg": "string",
      "oid": "string"

AMO Cancel trade

This API is used to modify amo Trade for a client.

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-eq/eq/trade/amo/canceltrade/80140380
Method PUT


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
Sample Request
Request method is PUT

Request Body Parameters

Key Val
nstOID Nest Order ID
prdCode Product Code - [CNC,MIS,NRML]
exc Exchange
Sample Request Body 
    "nstOID": "210623000000155",
    "exc": "NSE",
    "prdCode": "CNC",
    "ordTyp": "MARKET"

Response Parameters

Key Val
msg Message
oid Order ID
Sample Response

    "data": {
      "msg": "Your AMO order has been cancelled succesfully!.",
      "oid": "210903000071162"

** Net Position**

The Position squareOff API For Equity/Commodity.

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-eq/eq/positions/net/{userID}
Method GET


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
Sample Request
Request method is GET

Response Parameters

Key Val
ntByQty Total Buy Quantity
byQty Quantity
dpName Display scrip name
rlzPL Realised profit loss
mul Multiplier
stkPrc Strike price
sym Streaming symbol
urlzPL Unrealised profit loss
tkSz Tick size
prdCode Product Code
cfByQty CF Buy Quantity
cfAvgByPrc CF Average Buy Price
exc Exchange
ntSlQty Net Sell Quantity
ntQty Net Quantity
cfSlAmt CF Sell Amount
avgByPrc Average buy price
slQty Sell quantity
brkEvnPrc Break even price
GD Streamer Indicator
prc Price
cfSlQty CF Sell Quantity
ntAmt Net Amount
cfAvgSlPrc CF Average Sell Price
cpName Company name
trdSym Trading Symbol
mtm Market to market
GN Streamer Indicator
slAmt Sell Amount
ltp Last Traded Price
ntSlAmt Net Sell Amount
byAmt Buy amount
dpInsTyp Display instrument type
avgSlPrc Average sell price
ntPL Total gain or loss
ntByAmt Net Buy Amount
dpExpDt Display Expiry date
PD Streamer Indicator
asTyp Asset type
trsTyp Transaction Type
sqOff Square Off Flag
opTyp Option Type
ltSz Market Lot
PN Streamer Indicator
cfByAmt CF Buy Quantity
npos Net position
tdyMtm Total today's MTM
urlMtm Toatl Unrealised MTM
cls Number of closed Position
opn Number of open Position
Sample Response

    "data": {
      "ntMTM": "4428.49",
      "pos": [
          "ntByQty": "4200",
          "byQty": "4200",
          "dpName": "COALINDIA",
          "rlzPL": "0.00",
          "mul": "1",
          "stkPrc": "200",
          "sym": "79450_NFO",
          "urlzPL": "630.00",
          "tkSz": "0.05",
          "prdCode": "NRML",
          "cfByQty": "0",
          "cfAvgByPrc": "6.00",
          "exc": "NFO",
          "ntSlQty": "0",
          "ntQty": "4200",
          "cfSlAmt": "0.00",
          "avgByPrc": "6.00",
          "slQty": "0",
          "brkEvnPrc": "6.00",
          "GD": "1",
          "prc": "6.00",
          "cfSlQty": "0",
          "ntAmt": "-25200.00",
          "cfAvgSlPrc": "0.00",
          "cpName": "Coal India Ltd",
          "trdSym": "COALINDIA28OCT21200CE",
          "mtm": "630.00",
          "GN": "1",
          "slAmt": "0.00",
          "ltp": "6.15",
          "ntSlAmt": "0.00",
          "byAmt": "25200.00",
          "dpInsTyp": "",
          "avgSlPrc": "0.00",
          "ntPL": "630.0",
          "ntByAmt": "25,200.00",
          "dpExpDt": "28 OCT'21",
          "PD": "1",
          "asTyp": "OPTSTK",
          "trsTyp": "B",
          "sqOff": "true",
          "opTyp": "CE",
          "ltSz": "4200",
          "PN": "1",
          "cfByAmt": "0.00"
          "ntByQty": "350",
          "byQty": "350",
          "dpName": "NIFTY",
          "rlzPL": "1561.05",
          "mul": "1",
          "stkPrc": "17800",
          "sym": "41412_NFO",
          "urlzPL": "0.00",
          "tkSz": "0.05",
          "prdCode": "NRML",
          "cfByQty": "150",
          "cfAvgByPrc": "34.40",
          "exc": "NFO",
          "ntSlQty": "350",
          "ntQty": "0",
          "cfSlAmt": "0.00",
          "avgByPrc": "34.40",
          "slQty": "350",
          "brkEvnPrc": "0.00",
          "GD": "1",
          "prc": "0.00",
          "cfSlQty": "0",
          "ntAmt": "1561.05",
          "cfAvgSlPrc": "38.86",
          "cpName": "",
          "trdSym": "NIFTY07OCT2117800CE",
          "mtm": "1561.05",
          "GN": "1",
          "slAmt": "13600.00",
          "ltp": "39.20",
          "ntSlAmt": "13,600.00",
          "byAmt": "12038.95",
          "dpInsTyp": "",
          "avgSlPrc": "38.86",
          "ntPL": "1561.05",
          "ntByAmt": "12,038.95",
          "dpExpDt": "07 OCT'21",
          "PD": "1",
          "asTyp": "OPTIDX",
          "trsTyp": "S",
          "sqOff": "false",
          "opTyp": "CE",
          "ltSz": "50",
          "PN": "1",
          "cfByAmt": "4788.95"
      "npos": "5",
      "tdyMtm": "4013.49",
      "urlMtm": "415.00",
      "cls": "2",
      "opn": "3"

Position squareOff

The Position squareOff API For Equity/Commodity.

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-eq/eq/trade/position/sqroff/80140380
Method POST


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
Sample Request
Request method is POST

Request Body Parameters

Key Val
trdSym Trading Symbol
exc Exchange
action Action to be performed - [BUY,SELL]
dur Order duration / Retention - [DAY]
flQty Filled Quantity or filled shares
qty Quantity
dscQty Disclosed Quantity
sym Symbol
mktPro Market Protection
lmPrc Limit Price
trgPrc Trigger Price
prdCode Product Code - [CNC,MIS,NRML]
dtDays Date Days
posSqr Position Square Flag
minQty Minimum Quantity
ordSrc Location Indicator - [API]
vnCode Vendor Code
rmk Remarks
Sample Request Body 
  "trdSym": "INE438A01022",
  "exc": "NSE",
  "action": "SELL",
  "dur": "DAY",
  "flQty": "0",
  "ordTyp": "MARKET",
  "qty": "1",
  "dscQty": "0",
  "sym": "163_NSE",
  "mktPro": "",
  "lmPrc": "0",
  "trgPrc": "0",
  "prdCode": "CO",
  "dtDays": null,
  "posSqr": "",
  "minQty": "0",
  "ordSrc": "TX3",
  "vnCode": "",
  "rmk": ""

Response Parameters

Key Val
msg Message
oid Order ID
position Position
Sample Response

    "data": {
      "posSqrOffs": [
          "msg": "Your order has been placed succesfully!.",
          "oid": "210903000250134",
          "position": 0

Convert Position

This API is used to convert a position for a client.

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-eq/eq/trade/convertposition/{userID}
Method PUT


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
Sample Request
Request method is PUT

Request Body Parameters

Key Val
prdCodeCh Product code to change - [CNC,MIS,NRML]
prdCode Product codes - [CNC,MIS,NRML]
nstOID Nest Order ID
Sample Request Body 
    "prdCodeCh": "CNC",
    "prdCode": "NRML",
    "nstOID": "210621000000351",
    "flID": "30414"

Response Parameters

Key Val
msg Message
Sample Response

        "msg":"PositionConversion Successful"

MF Trade

This API is used to place trade in MF for a client.

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-mf/mf/trade/{userID}
Method POST


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
Sample Request
Request method is POST

Request Body Parameters

Key Val
rmrk Remarks
txnTyp Transaction Type - [FP(Fresh Purchase),AP(Additional Purchase),R(Redemption),SIP,XSIP]
reInvFlg Reinvestment Flag - [Z(Growth),Y(Div Reinvest),N(Div payout)]
ordTyp Order Type - [Fresh, Modify or Cancel]
reqstdBy Requested By - [DealerCode/Clientcode]
qty Units to redeem
schemeName Scheme Name - [To be obtained from MF Contract File downloaded]
amt Amount for Fresh Purchase/Additional Purchase/SIP/XSIP/ISIP
ordSrc OrderSource - [API]
currentOrdSts Current Order Status
token Token - [To be obtained from MF Contract file downloaded ]
isin ISIN Code - [To be obtained from MF Contract File downloaded ]
folioNo Blank for Fresh Purchase
txnId Transaction ID - [0 for New Order; OrderID for Modify & Cancel Order]
schemePlan Scheme Plan - [Direct, Normal]
schemeCode Scheme Code - [To be obtained from MF Contract File downloaded]
mnRdmFlg Minimun Redeem Flag - [Y- for Full Redeem]
strtDy DAY of SIP Start Date
sipFrq SIP Frequency - [Monthly]
gfot Generate First Order Today - [Y/N]
tnr Tenure Period - [Default value for SIP/ISIP/XSIP/SWP/STP : 999]
mdtId Mandate id selected by client
dpc If order type is cancel and XSIP then N else Y
closeAccountFlag Y if All holding Order, N for Parital Order
physicalFlag D- For Demat , P- For Physical
euinflag EUIN Flag - [Default value N]
euinnumber EUIN Number - [Default value Empty String]
kycflag KYC Flag - [Default value 1]
vendorSname Vendor Name
sipregno SIP Registration Number
siporderno SIP Order Number

Sample Request Body

One Time
  "rmrk": "",
  "txnTyp": "FP",
  "reInvFlg": "Z",
  "ordTyp": "Fresh",
  "reqstdBy": "80140380",
  "qty": 0,
  "amt": 200000,
  "ordSrc": "EMT",
  "isin": "INF084M01AB8",
  "token": "16378",
  "txnId": 0
  "currentOrdSts": null,
  "token": "19453",
  "isin": "INF789F01TC4",
  "txnTyp": "XSIP",
  "qty": 0,
  "amt": 2000,
  "reInvFlg": "Z",
  "folioNo": "",
  "ordTyp": "FRESH",
  "txnId": 0,
  "rmrk": null,
  "schemePlan": "Direct",
  "schemeCode": "UTEQD2-GR",
  "mnRdmFlg": "",
  "ordSrc": "TOCMF",
  "strtDy": 14,
  "strtDt": "14 Oct 2021",
  "endDt": "14 Dec 2104",
  "sipFrq": "MONTHLY",
  "gfot": "Y",
  "tnr": "999",
  "mdtId": "761045",
  "dpc": "Y",
  "closeAccountFlag": "N",
  "physicalFlag": "D",
  "euinflag": "N",
  "euinnumber": "",
  "kycflag": "1",
  "reqstdBy": "80140380",
  "vendorSname": null,
  "sipregno": null,
  "siporderno": null,

Response Parameters

Key Val
msg Message
ordNo Order No
Sample Response

    "data": {
        "msg": "Fresh XSIP order request for order id - 758133 has been successfully placed and sent to MF BSE.",
        "ordNo": "758133"

Modify MF Trade

This API is used to modify/cancel order method.

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-mf/mf/trade/{userID}
Method PUT


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
Sample Request
Request method is PUT

Request Body Parameters

Key Val
rmrk Remarks
txnTyp Transaction Type - [FP(Fresh Purchase),AP(Additional Purchase),R(Redemption),SIP,XSIP] - [Mandatory]
reInvFlg Reinvestment Flag - [Z(Growth),Y(Div Reinvest),N(Div payout)] - [Mandatory]
ordTyp Order Type - [Fresh, Modify or Cancel] - [Mandatory]
reqstdBy Requested By - [DealerCode/Clientcode]
qty Units to redeem - [Mandatory]
schemeName Scheme Name - [To be obtained from MF Contract File downloaded]
amt Amount for Fresh Purchase/Additional Purchase/SIP/XSIP/ISIP - [Mandatory]
ordSrc OrderSource - [API]
currentOrdSts Current Order Status
token Token - [To be obtained from MF Contract file downloaded ]
isin ISIN Code - [To be obtained from MF Contract File downloaded ]
folioNo Blank for Fresh Purchase - [Mandatory]
txnId Transaction ID - [0 for New Order; OrderID for Modify & Cancel Order] - [Mandatory]
schemePlan Scheme Plan - [Direct, Normal]
schemeCode Scheme Code - [To be obtained from MF Contract File downloaded]
mnRdmFlg Minimun Redeem Flag - [Y- for Full Redeem]
strtDy DAY of SIP Start Date
sipFrq SIP Frequency - [Monthly]
gfot Generate First Order Today - [Y/N]
tnr Tenure Period - [Default value for SIP/ISIP/XSIP/SWP/STP : 999]
mdtId Mandate id selected by client - [Mandatory]
dpc If order type is cancel and XSIP then N else Y
closeAccountFlag Y if All holding Order, N for Parital Order
physicalFlag D- For Demat , P- For Physical
euinflag EUIN Flag - [Default value N]
euinnumber EUIN Number - [Default value Empty String]
kycflag KYC Flag - [Default value 1]
vendorSname Vendor Name
sipregno SIP Registration Number
siporderno SIP Order Number
Sample Request Body
  "txnTyp": "FP",
  "folioNo": "",
  "reInvFlg": "Z",
  "ordTyp": "Modify",
  "qty": 0,
  "amt": 200000,
  "txnId": 0,
  "mdtId": "6252355"

Response Parameters

Key Val
ordNo Order number of the order created / edited
msg Message to be displayed to client
Sample Response

    "data": {
      "msg": "Order Id - 750306 for Fresh Purchase has been successfully Modified.",
      "ordNo": "750306"

Cancel MF Trade

This API is used to modify/cancel order method.

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-mf/mf/trade/{userID}
Method PUT


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
Sample Request
Request method is PUT

Request Body Parameters

Key Val
rmrk Remarks
txnTyp Transaction Type - [FP(Fresh Purchase),AP(Additional Purchase),R(Redemption),SIP,XSIP] [Mandatory]
reInvFlg Reinvestment Flag - [Z(Growth),Y(Div Reinvest),N(Div payout)] - [Mandatory]
ordTyp Order Type - [Fresh, Modify or Cancel] - [Mandatory]
reqstdBy Requested By - [DealerCode/Clientcode]
qty Units to redeem - [Mandatory]
schemeName Scheme Name - [To be obtained from MF Contract File downloaded]
amt Amount for Fresh Purchase/Additional Purchase/SIP/XSIP/ISIP - [Mandatory]
ordSrc OrderSource - [API]
currentOrdSts Current Order Status
token Token - [To be obtained from MF Contract file downloaded ]
isin ISIN Code - [To be obtained from MF Contract File downloaded ]
folioNo Blank for Fresh Purchase - [Mandatory]
txnId Transaction ID - [0 for New Order; OrderID for Modify & Cancel Order] - [Mandatory]
schemePlan Scheme Plan - [Direct, Normal]
schemeCode Scheme Code - [To be obtained from MF Contract File downloaded]
mnRdmFlg Minimun Redeem Flag - [Y- for Full Redeem]
strtDy DAY of SIP Start Date
sipFrq SIP Frequency - [Monthly]
gfot Generate First Order Today - [Y/N]
tnr Tenure Period - [Default value for SIP/ISIP/XSIP/SWP/STP : 999]
mdtId Mandate id selected by client - [Mandatory]
dpc If order type is cancel and XSIP then N else Y
closeAccountFlag Y if All holding Order, N for Parital Order
physicalFlag D- For Demat , P- For Physical
euinflag EUIN Flag - [Default value N]
euinnumber EUIN Number - [Default value Empty String]
kycflag KYC Flag - [Default value 1]
vendorSname Vendor Name
sipregno SIP Registration Number
siporderno SIP Order Number
Sample Request Body

  "txnTyp": "XSIP",
  "folioNo": "",
  "reInvFlg": "",
  "ordTyp": "Cancel",
  "mdtId": "6252355",
  "qty": 0,
  "amt": 0,
  "txnId": 683791

Response Parameters

Key Val
ordNo Order number of the order created / edited
msg Message to be displayed to client
Sample Response

    "data": {
      "msg": "Order Id - 750306 for Fresh Purchase has been successfully Cancelled.",
      "ordNo": "750306"

MF Holding

This API is used for retrieving All of clients holdings.

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-mf/mf/holding/{userID}
Method GET


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
Sample Request
Request method is GET

Response Parameters

Key Val
CompanyName Company Name
HoldingValue Holding Value
Category Category
PledgQty Pledg Quantity
LockedInQty Locked In Quantity
LTP Last Traded Price
AssetClass Asset Class
mfHV Total mf holdings value
mfHdgUsable List of Usable holdings
usableHld Total holding value of usable holdings
nonUsableHld Total non usable holdings
Sample Response 

    "nonUsable": [
      "CompanyName": "Kotak Tax Saver Fund (G)",
      "HoldingValue": "2478.22",
      "Category": "Equity",
      "PledgQty": "0.00",
      "LockedInQty": "35.22",
      "AMC": "Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund",
      "LTP": "70.364",
      "AssetClass": "MF"
  "mfHV": "2478.22",
  "mfHdgUsable": [],
  "usableHld": "0.0",
  "nonUsableHld": "2478.22"

MF Order Book

This API is used for retrieving the list of orders in client's account. In order to get current day orders.

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-mf/mf/order/{userId}?frDt=17/06/2021&toDt=22/06/2021
Method GET


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login

Request Parameters

Key Val
frDt From Date
toDt To Date
Sample Request
Request method is GET

Response Parameters

Key Val
NAV Net Average Value
KYCFlag KYC Flag
MandateID Mandate ID
SettlementType Settlement Type
Token Token - [To be obtained from MF Contract File downloaded]
ExchangeRefNo Exchange Reference No
UniqueNumber Unique Number
StartDate SIP/ XSIP/ISIP/STP/SWP Start Date
OrderType Order Type - [Fresh, Modify or Cancel]
Remarks Remarks
SchemeCode Scheme Code - [To be obtained from MF Contract File Downloaded]
CloseAccountFlag Close Account Flag
Status Status
TxnType Transaction Type - [FP(Fresh Purchase),AP(Additional Purchase),R(Redemption),SIP,XSIP]
CreatedBy Created By
OrderedBy Ordered By
inSubBatchID inSubBatch ID
SwitchSchemeCode SwitchScheme Code
RedPyMec RedPyMec
FolioNo Folio No - [Blank for fresh purchase, Redeem / Additional Purchase]
MinRedeemFlag MinRedeem Flag
StartDay SIP Start Day
Units Units
CheckDigNo CheckDig No
ToSchemeID To Scheme ID
TxnTime Transaction Time
TxnID Transaction ID - [0 for New Order; OrderID for Modify & Cancel Order]
inBatchID inBatchID
ClientID Client ID
SwitchISIN SwitchISIN
SchemeName Scheme Name - [To be obtained from MF Contract File downloaded]
OrderSource Order Source - [API]
BrokerRefNo Broker Reference No
PaymentMode Payment Mode
RedeemDate Redeem Date
LastModifiedBy Last Modified By
SysRefNo SysRefNo
GenrateToday Y/N – (Genrate first order today:Mandatory for SIP/ISIP/XSIP/SWP/STP)
LastModifiedOn Last Modified On
SIPFrequency Frequency of SIP - [MONTHLY]
CheckHoldings Y/N (For Redeemption & Switch Only)
Tenure Tenure Period
RnTSchemeCode RnT Scheme Code
ValidateMargin Y/N (For Fresh,Additional,SIP)
CreatedOn Created On
PhysicalFlag P:Physical(For Spread) D:Demat (For XSIP)
ReferenceNO Reference Number
vcOrderRemarks vc Order Remarks
EUINNumber EUIn number of Dealer/Broker
isCancel Is cancellable True/False
SchemeID Scheme Code - [To be obtained from MF Contract File downloaded]
Amount Amount for Fresh Purchase/Additional Purchase/SIP/XSIP/ISIP
TxnDate Transaction Date
Mode Mode
ReinvestmentFlag Reinvestment Flag - [Z(Growth),Y(Div Reinvest),N(Div payout)]
ISIN ISIN Code - [To be obtained from MF Contract File downloaded]
ModelPortFolioName Model PortFolio Name
LimitValidation Limit Validation
mandateSts Mandate Status
FileGeneratedFreq Freqquency of File Generated
ClientCode Client Code of user
IsSpread N/Y (Y – For Spread Order else N)
RedeemAmount Redeem Amount
isModify Is modifiable True/False
AMCSchemeCode AMC Scheme Code
Brokerage Brokerage(For XSIP Only)
Sample Response 

    "data": {
      "ordLst": [
          "NAV": 97.079,
          "KYCFlag": "1",
          "MandateID": "6753920",
          "SettlementType": "T3",
          "Token": "1277",
          "ExchangeRefNo": "18836990",
          "UniqueNumber": "101809973289072",
          "StartDate": "2021-09-09T00:00:00",
          "MFIMFDFlag": "MFI",
          "OrderType": "Fresh",
          "Remarks": "X-SIP HAS BEEN REGISTERED,REG NO IS : 18836990",
          "SchemeCode": "MAFEBRG-GR",
          "CloseAccountFlag": "N",
          "Status": "ACCEPTED",
          "TxnType": "XSIP",
          "CreatedBy": "80083111",
          "OrderedBy": "80083111",
          "inSubBatchID": "0",
          "SwitchSchemeCode": "",
          "RedPyMec": "",
          "FolioNo": "",
          "MinRedeemFlag": "N",
          "StartDay": "0",
          "Units": "0",
          "AMCCODE": "MIRAEASSET",
          "CheckDigNo": "",
          "ToSchemeID": "6",
          "TxnTime": "10:18:09",
          "TxnID": "750876",
          "inBatchID": "0",
          "DPC": "Y",
          "IsNFO": true,
          "ClientID": "555016",
          "SwitchISIN": "",
          "OrderSource": "EMT",
          "BrokerRefNo": "",
          "PaymentMode": "",
          "EUINFlag": "Y",
          "RedeemDate": "1900-01-01T00:00:00",
          "LastModifiedBy": "80083111",
          "SysRefNo": "0",
          "GenrateToday": "Y",
          "LastModifiedOn": "2021-09-07T10:18:09.55",
          "SIPFrequency": "MONTHLY",
          "CheckHoldings": "N",
          "Tenure": "999",
          "RnTSchemeCode": "EBRG",
          "ValidateMargin": "Y",
          "CreatedOn": "2021-09-07T10:18:09.55",
          "PhysicalFlag": "D",
          "ReferenceNO": "",
          "vcOrderRemarks": "",
          "EUINNumber": "E331257",
          "isCancel": true,
          "SchemeID": "1277",
          "Amount": "1000",
          "TxnDate": "2021-09-07T10:18:09.55",
          "Mode": "",
          "ReinvestmentFlag": "Z",
          "ISIN": "INF769K01101",
          "EndDate": "2104-12-08T00:00:00",
          "ModelPortFolioName": "",
          "LimitValidation": "N",
          "mandateSts": "REGISTERED BY MEMBER",
          "FileGeneratedFreq": "0",
          "ClientCode": "80083111",
          "IsSpread": "N",
          "RedeemAmount": "0",
          "isModify": false,
          "AMCSchemeCode": "EBRG",
          "Brokerage": "0"