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This page contains all Middleware APIs being served under Commodities

AMO Flag

Get AMO Flag

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->edelmw-comm/comm/trade/amostatus/{exchange}
Method GET


Key Value
AppIdKey <-AppIdKey value->
Authorization <-Authorization value->

Sample Request:

Request method is GET

Response Parameters

Parameter Description
sts status of amo flag - [true,false]

Sample Response

    "data": {
        "type": "commAMODao",
        "sts": "true"
    "msgID": "7e3ea1a5-1bdb-422f-baf1-90da4641fc90",
    "srvTm": 1630401739314

AMO Place Trade

Place a Trade for a client in commodity after market timing

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-comm/comm/trade/amo/placetrade/{userId}
Method POST


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
appidkey <-appidkey token ->

Sample Request:

Request method is Post

Request Body

Key Value
dur Order Duration [DAY, IOC, GTC, GTD, GTDys, EOS]
sym Streaming symbol
lmPrc Limit Price
ordTyp Order Type [LIMIT,SL-M,SL]
action Action [BUY,SELL]
prdCode Product Code [CNC, MIS, NRML]
exc Exchange [MCX, NCDEX]
qty Quantity
trdSym Trading Symbol

Sample Body::


Response Parameters

Key Value
msg Message
oid Order ID

Sample Response

 "data": {
        "type": "placeTradeDao",
        "msg": "Your order has been placed succesfully!.",
        "oid": "210915000000007"

AMO Modify Trade

Modify a Trade for a client after market

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-comm/comm/trade/amo/modifytrade/{userId}
Method PUT


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
appidkey <-appidkey token ->

Sample Request:

Request method is Put

Request Body

Key Value
dur Order Duration [DAY, IOC, GTC, GTD, GTDys, EOS]
exc Exchange [MCX, NCDEX]
lmPrc Limit Price
nstOID Nest Order ID
ordTyp Order Type [LIMIT,SL-M,SL]
sym Streaming symbol
trdSym Trading Symbol
qty Minimum Quantity
action Action [BUY,SELL]
prdCode Product Code [CNC, MIS, NRML]

Sample Body::

"nstOID": "210915000000007"

Response Parameters

Key Value
msg Message
oid Order ID

Sample Response

 "data": {
        "type": "modifyTradeDao",
        "msg": "Your AMO order has been modified succesfully!.",
        "oid": "210915000000007"

AMO Cancel Trade

Cancel a trade for a client

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-comm/comm/trade/amo/canceltrade/{userId}
Method PUT


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
appidkey <-appidkey token ->

Sample Request:

Request method is Put

Request Body

Key Value
nstOID Nest Order ID

Sample Body:

"nstOID" : "210901000000005"

Response Parameters

Key Value
msg Message
oid Order ID

Sample Response

 "data": {
        "type": "cancelTradeDao",
        "msg": "Your order has been cancelled succesfully!.",
        "oid": "210901000000005"

Cancel Trade

Cancel a trade for a client

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-comm/comm/trade/canceltrade/v1/{userId}
Method PUT


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
appidkey <-appidkey token ->

Sample Request:

Request method is Put

Request Body

Key Value
nstOID Nest Order ID
exc Exchange [MCX, NCDEX]
prdCode Product Code [CNC, MIS, NRML]
ordTyp Order Type [LIMIT,SL-M,SL]

Sample Body::

  "nstOID" : "210901000000002",

Response Parameters

Key Value
msg Message
oid Order ID

Sample Response

 "data": {
        "type": "cancelTradeDao",
        "msg": "Your order has been cancelled succesfully!.",
        "oid": "210901000000002"

Commodity Limits

Retrieving Commodity Limits for a particular client

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->edelmw-comm/comm/limits/{UserId}
Method GET


Key Value
AppIdKey <-AppIdKey value->
Authorization <-Authorization value->

Sample Request:

Request method is GET

Response Parameters

Parameter Description
colVal Collateral Value
lmAvl Limit Available
lrB Ledger Balance
mrUzd Margin Utlized
piAmt Pay-in Amount
poAmt Pay-out Amount

Sample Response

    "data": {
        "type": "comRMSLimitsDao",
        "lmt": {
            "colVal": "0.00",
            "lmAvl": "9999999999.00",
            "lrB": "9999999999.00",
            "mrUzd": "0.00",
            "piAmt": "0.00",
            "poAmt": "0.00"

Convert Position

Convert a position for a client

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-comm/comm/trade/positionconversion/{userID}
Method PUT


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
appidkey <-appidkey token ->

Sample Request:

Request method is Put{userID}

Request Body

Key Value
Symbol Each Symbol is unique and represents the stock identity. This is the exchange token to be obtained from the contract file downloaded
prdCodeCh Product code to change
ConversionType ConversionType
prdCode Product Code [C, M, I]
Exchange Name of the exchange, BSE/NSE/CDS/MCX/NCDEX/NFO etc
Action Action [ BUY / SELL]
Quantity Quantity of the scrip to transact

Sample Body:

  "sym": "string",
  "cnvTyp": "D/C",
  "qty": "string",
  "action": "B/S",
  "prdCode": "Product Code from Position book response. Mandatory field.",
  "prdCodeCh": "CNC/MIS/NRML",
  "ordSrc": "string",
  "exc": "Exchange value from Position book response. Mandatory field",
  "trdSym": "Order Type from Position book response. Mandatory field"

Response Parameters

Key Value
msg Message

Sample Response

"data": {
      "msg": "PositionConversion Successful"

Modify Trade

Modify a Trade for a client

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-comm/comm/trade/modifytrade/{userId}
Method PUT


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
appidkey <-appidkey token ->

Sample Request:

Request method is Put

Request Body

Key Value
dur Order Duration [DAY, IOC, GTC, GTD, GTDys, EOS]
exc Exchange [MCX, NCDEX]
lmPrc Limit Price
nstOID Nest Order ID
ordTyp Order Type [LIMIT,SL-M,SL]
sym Streaming symbol
trdSym Trading Symbol
qty Minimum Quantity
action Action [BUY,SELL]
prdCode Product Code [CNC, MIS, NRML]
flQty Fill Quantity

Sample Body:


Response Parameters

Key Value
msg Message
oid Order ID

Sample Response

 "data": {
        "type": "placeTradeDao",
        "msg": "Your order has been modified succesfully!.",
        "oid": "210901000000001"

Order Details

To get Order Details for a perticular order-id for a particular client

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-comm/comm/orderdetails/{userId}
Method GET


Key Valueue
Authorization Received in Header after user login
appidkey <-appidkey token ->

Request Parameters

Key Value
oID Order Id

Sample Request:

Request method is Post

Response Parameters

Parameter Description
avgPrc Average Price
dur Order Duration - [DAY, IOC, GTC, GTD, GTDys, EOS]
exOID Exchange Order ID
exc Exchange [MCX, NCDEX]
nstReqID" Nest request id
ordID Order Id
prcTF Price
prcTyp Order Type
prdCode Product Code
qtyTF Quantity
scName Script Name
sts Status
symName Symbol Name
tim Time
trgPrc Target Price
trsTyp Transaction Type (BUY/SELL)
txt Text
unFlSz Unfilled Size

Sample Response

      "data": {
        "type": "comOrderDetailsDao",
        "ord": [
                "avgPrc": "0.00",
                "dsQty": "0",
                "dur": "DAY",
                "exOID": "NA",
                "exc": "NCDEX",
                "nstReqID": "1",
                "ordID": "210907000000003",
                "prcTF": "3000.00",
                "prcTyp": "LIMIT",
                "prdCode": "NRML",
                "qtyTF": "10",opp-[
                "scName": "WHEATFAQ",
                "sts": "rejected",
                "symName": "WHEATFAQ",
                "tim": "07/09/2021 15:28:28",
                "trgPrc": "0.00",
                "trsTyp": "BUY",
                "txt": "RMS:Rule: Check circuit limit including square off order exceeds  for entity account-33624667 across exchange across segment across product ",
                "unFlSz": "0"
                "avgPrc": "0.00",
                "dsQty": "0",
                "dur": "DAY",
                "exOID": "NA",
                "exc": "NCDEX",
                "nstReqID": "1",
                "ordID": "210907000000003",
                "prcTF": "3000.00",
                "prcTyp": "LIMIT",
                "prdCode": "NRML",
                "qtyTF": "10",
                "scName": "WHEATFAQ",
                "sts": "validation pending",
                "symName": "WHEATFAQ",
                "tim": "07/09/2021 15:28:28",
                "trgPrc": "0.00",
                "trsTyp": "BUY",
                "txt": "",
                "unFlSz": "10"
                "avgPrc": "0.00",
                "dsQty": "0",
                "dur": "DAY",
                "exOID": "NA",
                "exc": "NCDEX",
                "nstReqID": "1",
                "ordID": "210907000000003",
                "prcTF": "3000.00",
                "prcTyp": "LIMIT",
                "prdCode": "NRML",
                "qtyTF": "10",
                "scName": "WHEATFAQ",
                "sts": "put order req received",
                "symName": "WHEATFAQ",
                "tim": "07/09/2021 15:28:28",
                "trgPrc": "0.00",
                "trsTyp": "BUY",
                "txt": "",
                "unFlSz": "10"

Order Book

To get Order details for a particular client

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->edelmw-comm/comm/orderbook/{UserId}
Method GET


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
appidkey <-appidkey token ->

Request Parameters

Key Value
rTyp Request Type(COMFNO)

Sample Request:

Request method is GET

Response Parameters

Parameter Description
asTyp Asset type
avgPrc Average Price
cpName Company name
cancel Boolean to show cancel button
cta Code to show Different Buttons ie. Code2 - Add funds, Code3 - HOLDINGS, Code4 - CALL CS, Code5 - Service Request
desc description about the order
dpExpDt Display expiry date
dpInsTyp Display instrument type
dpName Display scrip name
dur Order Duration [DAY, IOC, GTC, GTD, GTDys, EOS]
edit Boolean to show edit button
exONo Exchange order number
exit Boolean to show exit button
exc Exchange [MCX, NCDEX]
flQty Quantity in multiple of Lot size/Board lot qty
ltSz Lot size
ltp Last Traded Price
nstReqID Nest request id
ntQty Net Quantity
ogt type of the order
opTyp Order Type
ordID Order Id
ordTyp Order Type
pdQty Pending Quantity
prc Price
prdCode Product Code
qtyUnits Quantity Unit
rcvEpTim Epoch time
rcvTim Time
rjRsn Rejection Reason
rmk Remark
sipID SIP Indicator
srs Series
stkPrc Strike price
sts Status
sym Streaming symbol
tkSz Tick size
trdSym Trading Symbol
trgId Trigger ID
trgPrc Target Price
trsTyp Transaction Type (BUY/SELL)
userCmnt User Comment
userID User Id
vlDt Validity Date

Sample Response

 "data": {
        "type": "comOrderBookDao",
        "ord": [
                "asTyp": "FUTCOM",
                "avgPrc": "0.00",
                "cancel": "false",
                "cpName": "WHEATFAQ",
                "cta": "",
                "desc": "Buy 10 Qty @ &#8377 3000.00",
                "dpExpDt": "20 SEP'21",
                "dpInsTyp": "FUT",
                "dpName": "WHEATFAQ",
                "dsQty": "0",
                "dur": "DAY",
                "edit": "false",
                "exONo": "NA",
                "exc": "NCDEX",
                "exit": "false",
                "flQty": "0",
                "ltSz": "10",
                "ltp": "0.00",
                "nstReqID": "1",
                "ntQty": "10",
                "ogt": "--",
                "opTyp": "",
                "ordID": "210907000000003",
                "ordTyp": "LIMIT",
                "pdQty": "0",
                "prc": "3000.00",
                "prdCode": "NRML",
                "qtyUnits": "MT",
                "rcvEpTim": "07/09/2021 15:28:28",
                "rcvTim": "15:28:28",
                "rjRsn": "Order price has exceeded circuit limit. Place order within circuit price range [RMS]",
                "rmk": "[//EDEL//]/",
                "sipID": "N",
                "srs": "XX",
                "stkPrc": "",
                "sts": "rejected",
                "sym": "WHEATFAQ20SEP2021_NCDEX",
                "tkSz": "1.0",
                "trdSym": "WHEATFAQ20SEP2021",
                "trgId": "",
                "trgPrc": "0.00",
                "trsTyp": "BUY",
                "userCmnt": "NA",
                "userID": "33624667",
                "vlDt": "NA"

Place Trade

Place a Trade for a client in commodity

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-comm/comm/trade/placetrade/{userId}
Method POST


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
appidkey <-appidkey token ->

Sample Request:

Request method is Post

Request Body

Key Value
dur Order Duration - [DAY, IOC, GTC, GTD, GTDys, EOS]
exc Exchange [MCX, NCDEX]
lmPrc Limit Price
ordTyp Order Type [LIMIT,SL-M,SL]
sym Streaming symbol
trdSym Trading Symbol
qty Minimum Quantity
action Action [BUY,SELL]
prdCode Product Code [CNC, MIS, NRML]
vldt Validity date used to place GTD orders [Date format: DD-MM-YYYY]

Sample Body:


Response Parameters

Key Value
msg Message
oid Order ID

Sample Response

 "data": {
        "type": "placeTradeDao",
        "msg": "Your order has been placed succesfully!.",
        "oid": "210901000000001"

Net Position

Place a Trade for a client in commodity

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-comm/comm/positions
Method GET


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
appidkey <-appidkey token ->

Sample Request:

Request method is Post

Response Parameters

Key Value
ntMTM Total MTM
nwsFlg News Flag
byQty Quantity
dpName Display scrip name
rlzPL Realised profit loss
mul Multiplier
sym Streaming symbol
stkPrc Strike price
UrlzPL Unrealised profit loss
tkSz Tick size
prdCode Product Code
exc Exchange
ntQty Net Quantity
avgByPrc Average buy price
slQty Sell quantity
brkEvnPrc Break even price
GD Streamer Indicator
prc Price
ntAmt Net Amount
rchFlg Research Flag
trdSym Trading Symbol
cpName Company name
mtm Market to market
GN Streamer Indicator
slAmt Sell amount
ltp Last Traded Price
byAmt Buy amount
dpInsTyp Display instrument type
avgSlPrc Average sell price
ntPL Total gain or loss
dpExpDt Display expiry date
PD Streamer Indicator
asTyp Asset type
sqOff Square Off
opTyp Option Type
ltSz Market Lot
PN Streamer Indicator
npos Net position
tdyMtm Total today's MTM
urlMtm Toatl Unrealised MTM
cls Number of closed Position
opn Number of open Position

Sample Response

"data": {
      "ntMTM": "56.00",
      "pos": [
          "nwsFlg": "0",
          "byQty": "0",
          "dpName": "SILVERMIC",
          "rlzPL": "0.00",
          "mul": "1",
          "sym": "228225_MCX",
          "stkPrc": "",
          "urlzPL": "10.00",
          "tkSz": "1.0",
          "prdCode": "NRML",
          "exc": "MCX",
          "ntQty": "-2",
          "avgByPrc": "0.00",
          "slQty": "2",
          "brkEvnPrc": "60,705.00",
          "GD": "1",
          "prc": "60705.00",
          "ntAmt": "121410.00",
          "rchFlg": "0",
          "trdSym": "SILVERMIC21NOVFUT",
          "cpName": "Silvermic21novfut",
          "mtm": "10.00",
          "GN": "1",
          "slAmt": "121410.00",
          "ltp": "60700.00",
          "byAmt": "0.00",
          "dpInsTyp": "FUT",
          "avgSlPrc": "60705.00",
          "ntPL": "10.0",
          "dpExpDt": "30 NOV'21",
          "PD": "1",
          "asTyp": "FUTCOM",
          "sqOff": "true",
          "trsTyp": "S",
          "opTyp": "",
          "ltSz": "1",
          "PN": "1"
          "nwsFlg": "0",
          "byQty": "2",
          "dpName": "SILVERMIC",
          "rlzPL": "0.00",
          "mul": "1",
          "sym": "230195_MCX",
          "stkPrc": "",
          "urlzPL": "46.00",
          "tkSz": "1.0",
          "prdCode": "NRML",
          "exc": "MCX",
          "ntQty": "2",
          "avgByPrc": "61317.00",
          "slQty": "0",
          "brkEvnPrc": "61,317.00",
          "GD": "1",
          "prc": "61317.00",
          "ntAmt": "-122634.00",
          "rchFlg": "0",
          "trdSym": "SILVERMIC22FEBFUT",
          "cpName": "Silvermic22febfut",
          "mtm": "46.00",
          "GN": "1",
          "slAmt": "0.00",
          "ltp": "61340.00",
          "byAmt": "122634.00",
          "dpInsTyp": "FUT",
          "avgSlPrc": "0.00",
          "ntPL": "46.0",
          "dpExpDt": "28 FEB'22",
          "PD": "1",
          "asTyp": "FUTCOM",
          "sqOff": "true",
          "trsTyp": "B",
          "opTyp": "",
          "ltSz": "1",
          "PN": "1"
      "npos": "2",
      "tdyMtm": "0.00",
      "urlMtm": "56.00",
      "cls": "0",
      "opn": "2"

Report Details

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-comm/comm/reports/detail/{userId}
Method GET


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login
appidkey <-appidkey token ->

Sample Request:

Request method is GET

Response Parameters

Key Value
stkLst Portfolio stock list
ntByQty Total Buy Quantity
invVal Portfolio summary invest value
onemnlo one month low
onemnhi one month high
urlzPL Unrealised profit loss
tkSz Tick size
lut Last updated time in Date Format
askivfut Ask IV for future
rlOvrCstPrc Roll Over Cost Percentage, can be null
exc Exchange
prcUnits Price Units
avgByPrc Average buy price
tdrStDt Trade start date
tdrEndDt Trade end date
rlOvrCst Roll Over Cost , can be null
atp Average traded price
exp Expiry date
akSz Ask size
opInt Change in Open interest
ltTQty Last traded quantity
bidivfut Bid IV for future
rchFlg Research Flag
chg change from previous close
srpStDt Scrip start date in epoch (milliseconds)
thrmnhi Three months high
trdSym Trading Symbol
thrmnlo Three months low
avgSlPrc Average sell price
brdLotQty Board lot quantity
qty Quantity
spot Spot price of underlying
opTyp Option Type
yrLw Year low
ltSz Market Lot
desc Description for the scrip
rlOvrP Rollover perfcentage
ltpivfut LTP IV for future
chgP Change percent from previous close
nwsFlg News Flag
dpNm Display name
askivspt Ask IV for spot
sym Symbol
altt Actual Last traded time
stkPrc Strike price
opIntChg Change in Open interest
dpUnit Display unit
bidivspt Bid IV for spot
bidPr Bid price
qtyUnits Quantity Unit
yrH Year high
vol Volume
opIntChgP Percentage Change in Open interest
ntSlQty Total Sell Quantity
askPr Ask price
prcQtn Price unit
ntTrdVal Total traded value
hiCt Higher circuit price
c Day close
mxLtSz Max lot size
loCt Lower circuit price
bdSz Bid size
h Day high
ltp Last Traded Price
alltmhi All time high
l Day low
ltt Last traded time
dpInsTyp Display instrument type
alltmlo All time low
ltpivspt LTP IV for spot
o Open price
onewklo One week low
dpExpDt Display expiry date
onewkhi One Week High
asTyp Asset type
rlOvrPrc Roll Over Percentage, can be null
smry Summary
der Summary Data
unRlGL Unrealized GL value
curVal Current value
dayGL Day GL
asOfDt As of date
stkCnt Stock count

Sample Response

 "data": {
      "stkLst": [
          "ntByQty": "5276",
          "invVal": "503272.48",
          "onemnlo": "",
          "onemnhi": "",
          "urlzPL": "-16272.48",
          "tkSz": "1.0",
          "lut": "27 Sep 2021 11:45:00 PM",
          "askivfut": "0.00",
          "rlOvrCstPrc": "1.16",
          "exc": "MCX",
          "prcUnits": "KGS",
          "avgByPrc": "64133.81",
          "tdrStDt": "1637692200000",
          "tdrEndDt": "1638296940000",
          "rlOvrCst": "709.00",
          "atp": "60855.99",
          "exp": "1638296940000",
          "akSz": "71",
          "opInt": "112005",
          "ltTQty": "1",
          "bidivfut": "0.00",
          "rchFlg": "0",
          "chg": "623.00",
          "srpStDt": "1614537000000",
          "thrmnhi": "",
          "trdSym": "SILVERMIC21NOVFUT",
          "thrmnlo": "",
          "avgSlPrc": "64745.08",
          "brdLotQty": "1",
          "qty": "8",
          "spot": "60288.00",
          "opTyp": "XX",
          "yrLw": "--",
          "ltSz": "1",
          "desc": " Silvermic21novfut ",
          "rlOvrP": "9.95",
          "ltpivfut": "0.00",
          "chgP": "1.03",
          "nwsFlg": "0",
          "dpNm": "SILVERMIC",
          "askivspt": "0.00",
          "sym": "228225_MCX",
          "altt": "27 Sep 2021 11:29:59 PM",
          "stkPrc": "0",
          "opIntChg": "-9353.00",
          "dpUnit": "Lots",
          "bidivspt": "0.00",
          "bidPr": "60875.00",
          "qtyUnits": "KGS",
          "yrH": "--",
          "vol": "129203",
          "opIntChgP": "-7.71",
          "ntSlQty": "6830",
          "askPr": "60880.00",
          "prcQtn": "1",
          "ntTrdVal": "78627.76",
          "hiCt": "62662.00",
          "c": "60252.00",
          "mxLtSz": "600",
          "loCt": "57842.00",
          "bdSz": "1",
          "h": "61340.00",
          "ltp": "60875.00",
          "alltmhi": "--",
          "l": "60245.00",
          "ltt": "27 Sep 2021 11:45:00 PM",
          "dpInsTyp": "FUT",
          "alltmlo": "--",
          "ltpivspt": "0.00",
          "o": "60245.00",
          "ttlPL": "-23014.14",
          "onewklo": "",
          "dyGn": "4984.0",
          "dpExpDt": "30 NOV'21",
          "onewkhi": "",
          "asTyp": "FUTCOM",
          "rlOvrPrc": "9.95"
      "smry": {
        "der": {
          "invVal": "503272.48",
          "unRlGL": "-16272.48",
          "curVal": "487000.0",
          "dayGL": "4984.0"
        "asOfDt": "27 Sep 21",
        "stkCnt": "1"

Trade Book

To get Trade history for a particular client

Request Structure

Key Value
URL <-baseUrl->/edelmw-comm/comm/tradebook/{userId}
Method GET


Key Value
Authorization Received in Header after user login

Sample Request:

Request method is GET

Response Parameters

Key Value
chgP Change percent from previous close
rcvTim Time
dpName Display scrip name
sym Streaming symbol
stkPrc Strike price
tkSz Tick size
prdCode Product code
rmk Remark added by the small case user while placing the order
exc Exchange
trdID Trade Id
exONo Exchange order number
exp Scrip expiry
flQty Quantity traded
chg change from previous close
trdSym Trading symbol
cpName Company name
ltp Last Traded Price
dpInsTyp Display instrument type
ordID Order ID
dpExpDt Display expiry date
sts Status
flPrc Fill Price
asTyp Asset type
srs Series
psCnv Position conversion flag
qty Quantity
trsTyp Transaction type
opTyp Option type
ltSz Lot size
ordType Order Type
ntPrc Net Price

Sample Response

"data": {
      "trade": [
          "chgP": "-0.13",
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